ShowCAD Services
Some of the expert services we provide.
Programming and Commissioning
Show programming can often be the last consideration of a project. Our products are designed to facilitate pre-programming and quickly achieve the desired effects. However, some projects require special or complex programming. We have a number of the country’s most experienced show programmers at our disposal for a variety of requirements from system integration and troubleshooting to the creative programming of complex entertainments. Let us take away the worry of this vital stage.
Technical Design
The use of large numbers of LED colour-changing fixtures for exterior building illumination or as matrices on stage in major rock shows means that lighting system design can sometimes seem like building a computer system for a major bank. Perhaps unsurprisingly we know people who can do that, so let us look after the specification of routers, switches, fibre interfaces, network cable runs and the rest, and you can worry about what the lighting is going to look like.
Software Design
We can offer software design for custom applications or as add-ons to our Artist software. This has proved exceptionally popular over the years. Whether there is a functionality that your project demands or whether the visual on-screen presentation needs a specific look for a client, we are able to provide whatever you need.
Lighting Design
With year of experience and a wealth of industry knowledge we can design lighting systems in many environments include lobbies, public space, nightclub and many others. Combined with our partners, we can provide the complete package for design to signing off.