+44 1929 423 222 info@showcad.com

Data input with Advantech interfaces

Artist is designed to interface to any Advantech USB devices installed in the Advantech Device Manager. Installing Advantech Drivers Download the DAQNavi SDK from the Advantech support site. Also, download the driver for you specif interface. Ensure that the interface...

Auto boot Artist in Windows 10

To automatically launch Artist  create or copy a shortcut to Artistcopy the shortcut to the clipboardtype ‘run’ and press ‘Enter’ on the start status bar.type ‘shell:startup’paste from the clipboard to this...


This is the procedure to set up Artist to talk to Wysiwyg. Wysiwyg provides visualisation of Artists DMX outputs. Copy Program Files/Artist3/ArtistWyg.msi to the Wysiwyg computer. This can be the same as the Artist computer or another LAN...

Auto Login

If you Windows computer has a password but you want the system to automatically log in with your password this is the procedure for you. Win+R to open the Run dialogtype ‘netplwiz’ followed by Enter to open the advance user...

iPad and TouchOSC

TouchOSC is an iPad app that sends MIDI messages wrapped in OSC data packets over network connections. See the web site http://hexler.net/software/touchosc Visit the Apple app store and install the TouchOSC app on any iPad you wish to connect to...