The Patch Wizard allows you to interpret MIDI messages from a connected device and execute Artist System commands. In this way you can activate cues, display lists, change levels and much more. See the list of Text Commands in the Artist help file.
There are a few simple patches in the My Workspaces/Examples folder that connect to generic keyboards to provide simple cue/cue list control.
Example 1 – Keyboard Controller
This is really just the procedure used to create the example patch files. This pertains to a connected two and a half octave keyboard with 19 white key and 13 black keys using the Example3 workspace,
Connect to Cue Lists
Lets connect the first 7 white keys to the cue list 1 through 7 in the workspace.
- Wizard/Patch Wizard
- select MIDI
- press the first white key on the keyboard and click Capture to get the MIDI message.
- Set the number of sequential elements to 7 and click Next
- Select White notes in the Note type combo box and click Next
- Select Display client/Cue and click Next
- Select Defined by Parameter and click Next
- Review the summary and click Finish
Now when you press the first white key Cue List 1 (Parcan cues) is display. Press the second white key and Cue List 2(Colour Mixing LEDS) is display and so on.
Connect to Cues
Lets now make white notes 8 through 17 activate cue 1 through 10 in the displayed cue list and selected by the previous patch.
Follow the previous procedure from steps 1 through to 5 and then,
- Select Activate/Cue and click Next
- Set Action = Toggle, Select Group = Current and Select Object = Defined by Parameter and click Next
- Review Summary and Click Finish
Pressing white key 8 will now activate cue 1 in the currently displayed list.
Example 2 – MIDI Fader control
Again using the Example3 workspace we will now connect some functions on a MIDI controller with faders.
Connect to Cues
- Wizard/Patch Wizard
- select MIDI
- control the first fader on the panels and click Capture to get the MIDI message.
- Set the number of sequential elements to 1 and click Next
- Verify the summary so far and click Next
- Select Activate/Cue and click Next
- Select Group = Current, Object = 1 and click Next
- Review the summary and click Finish
Now using fader 1 will activate and fade cue 1 in the currently displayed list.
Connect to Cue List Levels
It is assumed in this example that the faders all have the same message but are send on separate MIDI channels. So for example – Volume control on channels 1 through 8. This allows us to patch all the faders at once.
- Wizard/Patch Wizard
- select MIDI
- control the first fader and click Capture
- Set the number of sequential elements to 8 and click Next
- Verify detail and click Next
- Select Linear Control/List Level and click Next
- Set Defined by Parameter and click Next
- Review the summary and click Finish
Now if you have a cue running in List 1 (Parcans) the level is controlled by fader 1. If you have a cue running in the list 2 (Colour Mixing LEDs) the level is controlled by fader 2 and so on.
There many more commands that can be assigned but this article outlines the basic principals.