Remote connection can be via Ethernet, Internet, MIDI, RS232 and Data Acquisition providing many possiblities.
Switch Panel Outstation
These wall mounted panels provide 12 switches to access Artist functions. This is useful for providing unskilled operator access to lighting and sound function.
The panel is interfaced to Artist with the MiniDLP interface.
MIDI Keyboard Controller
Modern keyboard control connect directly to the PC via USB. The keys on the keyboard can be mapped to any function within Artist providing complete control. These are commonly used in a nightclub/discotheque environment.
Touch Screen
The touch screen can be located a some distance from the computer using an extender. Touch screens are used in many environments. Coupled with the programmable user interface this provides a kiosk style user interface.
Motorised Fader Panel
This panel is preconfigured to provide fader and switch control over Artist. The panel displays feddback information regarding levels, rate and cue status. Ideal for nightclub and smal theatre environments.
Install ArtistRemote on a Windows Mobile PDA to get wireless handheld remote control.
Tablets and Touch Panels
Multiple devices can be linked to Artist. Each can have custom designed user interface and control Artist via Ethernet.
Internet Access
Remote monitoring and control can be provided through third part applications like LogMeIn and TeamViewer. With these web browser application you can access any Artist connected to the internet.