by Mick Martin | Nov 11, 2016 | Knowledge Base
In some venues where the computer is left on 24/7 it may be desirable to restart the computer every night at a specific time. Win+R to open the Run dialogtype ‘task scheduler’ + Enter. This opens the Windows schedulerclick Create...
by Mick Martin | Nov 11, 2016 | Knowledge Base
In some venues that are connected to the Internet it is not desirable from the computer to automatically shutdown to install updates from Microsoft. This Windows feature can be disabled by adding the a DWORD value of ‘NoAutoUpdate = 1″ to the registry key...
by admin | Jun 24, 2016 | Knowledge Base
You can add the UPD Output system command to a cue to send strings to a specific target IP. Registry Settings The UPD ports are defined in the Windows Registry. From the Run window enter ‘regedit’ and click Run. The registry editor will open.Navigate to...
by Mick Martin | May 11, 2016 | Knowledge Base
The KiNet protocol distributes DMX lighting data via Ethernet for Philips/Color Kinetics power supply interfaces. KiNet does not provide for a discovery method which requires that the IP address of each Power Supply/Interface is added...
by Mick Martin | Apr 4, 2014 | Knowledge Base
With Windows 8.1, the shortcut method of starting Artist at Windows start up no longer works as expected. The best way to start Artist automatically in Windows 8.1 is to add a task to the Windows Task Scheduler. In future version of Artist you will be able...
by Mick Martin | Feb 25, 2013 | Knowledge Base