by Bob Calvert | Mar 23, 2012 | Knowledge Base
The CD/DVD drive in your computer is not recommended for timecode shows becuase in general removable optical media is are reliable. We therefore suggest that you rip the CDs to the hard drive and play the content from there. The sound quality will then be...
by Bob Calvert | Feb 27, 2012 | Knowledge Base
If you have a fixture that is not in the ShowCAD.tem file you can create your own using the Template Wizard. Page 1 – Template Definition Go to the fixture manufacturers web site and download the manual containing the DMX channel mapping.Select Main...
by Bob Calvert | Feb 27, 2012 | Knowledge Base
This instruction assumes correct installation of the Artist software has already been carried out – see Artist Software Installation. The “Blackbox” interface currently supplied is always referred to as “ShowCAD USB DMX” and in any item selection procedure...
by Bob Calvert | Feb 27, 2012 | Knowledge Base
Cue List Properties/Global In Artist, the CueLists can be assigned interlocking properties that ensure that no combination of cues can attempt to control the same fixtures at the same time. Lock Action This defines the interlocking action with...
by Bob Calvert | Feb 27, 2012 | Knowledge Base
Introduction Artnet is the license-free protocol for distributing DMX over TCP/IP packets in local area network systems. Artnet is supported by a wide range of DMX devices. We recommend that Artnet is used on a private network since it does...