ShowCAD Knowledge Base
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Sound to Light
This applies any locally installed media player. On Windows Vista and 7 Open Control Panel/Sound/Recording. Right-click in...
Sending Your Workspace
Sometimes you might want send your workspace file to someone or transfer them to another computer. Select File/Backup...
Sending Large Files to ShowCAD
It is often required to send large file to ShowCAD for troubleshooting. These files may be rejected by your email...
RGB Control
It is often desirable to assign faders on your MIDI controlller to RGB levels of a group of fixtures allowing to...
MIDI Time Code
Artist can be synchronised with an external audio or video source using MIDI Time Code (MTC). Professional audio...
No Template for your Fixture?
If you find that Artist does not have a suitable template for your fixture, close Artist and download the...
Niagara AX Supervisor
ShowCAD has expertise in programming BMS using the Niagara AX framework. This give access to all common protocols...
The MiniDMX interface is a simple, low cost, USB to XLR cable that provides a single DMX512 output from a mobile device...
The MiniDLP is a USB to Digital and Analog interface.
Bug Definitions
For clarity in trouble shooting an understand of the terms is useful for a speedy fix. CrashThis when the software displays...
The only updates to Artist 2 will be bug fixes only. There are no known issues that we are working on at present. However,...
Artist on a MAC
You can run Artist seamlessly on an Apple mac without the inconvenience of rebooting in to Windows using Bootcamp. First,...
Introduction DMX 512 is the primary protocol for communicating with lighting fixtures. Since its inception in the 80's...
ArtistRemote Installation
This software is for Windows Mobile devices such as PDA and phones. Setting up Computer Your mobile device has a CD for...
Adding Pixel Arrays
To add more fixtures to a group that already contains fixtures, right-click in the Fixture Viewselect Add Fixtures. This...
ShowCAD USB-DMX Interface
This device interfaces your computer to your DMX fixtures. The output is electrically isolate and protects your...