ShowCAD Knowledge Base
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Data input with Advantech interfaces
Artist is designed to interface to any Advantech USB devices installed in the Advantech Device Manager. Installing...
Auto boot Artist in Windows 10
To automatically launch Artist create or copy a shortcut to Artistcopy the shortcut to the clipboardtype 'run'...
Controlling Artist through an Ethernet connection
Artist can be controlled with simple text message sent across Ethernet using a TCP/IP connection. Artist responds to the...
This is the procedure to set up Artist to talk to Wysiwyg. Wysiwyg provides visualisation of Artists DMX...
Auto Login
If you Windows computer has a password but you want the system to automatically log in with your password this is the...
iPad and TouchOSC
TouchOSC is an iPad app that sends MIDI messages wrapped in OSC data packets over network connections. See the...
Scheduling a Windows Restart
In some venues where the computer is left on 24/7 it may be desirable to restart the computer every night at a...
Disabling Windows Update
In some venues that are connected to the Internet it is not desirable from the computer to automatically shutdown to...
Sending UPD Packets
You can add the UPD Output system command to a cue to send strings to a specific target IP. Registry Settings The UPD ports...
Setting up KiNet from Philips
The KiNet protocol distributes DMX lighting data via Ethernet for Philips/Color Kinetics power supply...
Auto Starting Artist in Windows 8
With Windows 8.1, the shortcut method of starting Artist at Windows start up no longer works as expected. The...
Artist Web Application
Introduction Pathport is a protocol for distributing DMX data across Ethernet using inexpensive CAT5 cabling. This...
Create a 3D fixture group
Introduction This applies to Artist3D versions only. This example creates a 3D LED block using LED tubes...
Found a Bug?
In the event of finding a bug giving us good information can help resolve the matter quickly. For the most part,...
Patch Wizard (MIDI)
The Patch Wizard allows you to interpret MIDI messages from a connected device and execute Artist System...
What is ShowCAD Artist?
Abstract ShowCAD Artist is a show control system used for effect light, video and sound in nightclubs, theatre,...
Can’t see an undocked window?
Sometimes a window becomes undocked and may have been placed on a monitor that no longer exists. Select Main...
Simple ArtNet Setup
This procedure sets up one 8 port XNet interface on Artnet. Computer Setup Set the IP address of the Ethernet port on the...
Using the Sunlite DMX Interface
Sunlite no longer support the interfaces that we use to supply with Artist. However, it still can be used under...
BPM Timing
Artist Status Bar There is a section here labelled BPM with a number box and a check box labelled Auto....
Audio Time Code Sources
The CD/DVD drive in your computer is not recommended for timecode shows becuase in general removable optical...
X-Net 8 ArtNet Addressing
The X-Net 8 has an inexplicably complicated switch setting. In this article I do my best to explain it. The possible...
Synchronising a controller to Artist
Artist does not output time code currently. You therefore require an external MTC time code generator. Create a MIDI...
ShowCAD USB-DMX problems
If you are having trouble with the ShowCAD USB interface. Verify in Artist This step will determin if Artist can...
Artist3 ShowCAD USB Installation and Verification
With Artist3 version 3.1.19.xx onwards the installation of the drivers for the ShowCAD USB-DMX interface is...
Simple Heating Setup
The client requested the following functionality, Thermistor input to produce a 0-10 volt output to control a heating valve...
KNX Emergency Light Status
The Objective Our client wanted the Emergency lighting in a 6 floor office building to perform the regulation periodic...
DMX Input
The ShowCAD USB-DMX interface as both male and female connectors. The male connector allows the interface...
Writing a Fixture Template
If you have a fixture that is not in the ShowCAD.tem file you can create your own using the Template Wizard. Page...
Tridium Jace Controller
These stand-alone controller are specifically designed for building management systems. They provide a multi-protocol...
Sunlite USB
The Sunlite interface is no longer supported by us or Sunlite. This means that 64bit driver will not be...
Pixel Fixtures with Control Channels
It is common for fixtures such as LED strips to contain a set of control channels followed by the RGB...
DMX Output configuration using ShowCAD USB Interfaces
This instruction assumes correct installation of the Artist software has already been carried out – see Artist Software...
Cue List Common Properties
Cue List Properties/Global In Artist, the CueLists can be assigned interlocking properties that ensure that...
BAS Remote
This low cost device from Contemporary Controls is primarily for use in building automation systems. It is powered by the...
Introduction Artnet is the license-free protocol for distributing DMX over TCP/IP packets in local area network...
Using the Simple mode in Arkaos, the default settings might not give enough with some slight...
Workspace Backup
Each time that the Workspace is saved a copy is archived to a zip file located in My Workspace/Backup. Within Artist you...
Office Lighting Management
In a recent install ShowCAD deployed a KNX network to monitor and control office lighting. The offices were fitted with...
Log Files
Artist Log File The Artist log file contains details of the software start up procedure that can be...
Behringer BCF 2000
This is a MIDI control with 8 rotarty controls, 16 buttons and 8 motorised faders. This connects to the computer via USB...
Artist Software Registration
When you install Artist for the first time on a computer it will run for 30 days fully functionally. ShowCAD can extend...
RGB + White or Amber
Some colour mixing fixtures include a white or an amber channel. These channels are often included to improve the...
Remote Control Options
Remote connection can be via Ethernet, Internet, MIDI, RS232 and Data Acquisition providing many possiblities. Switch...
Pixel Arrays and Mapping view
Pixel arrays are, in general, RGB pixel arrange in rows and columns. They are used in building fascades, nightclub walls...
Foot-switch Select
Four and Three way footswitch controller are readily available. These use send out an analog value representing...
Using Pixel Fixtures with Control
Many manufactures produce light battens that have a group of master control channels and consecutive RGB channels in 3...
Touch Screen
Introduction You can use any touch screen but we supply ELOtouch screen because of our experience with...
Sunrise & Sunset
You can create real time events that are relative to the time of the sunset or sunrise. Set Location First open...